piatok 31. októbra 2014


Hi. These are the photos that I promised in my las post which was ootd. :)
 Abandoned building.

 My biggest love.

No effect I swear, my camera is interesting..

štvrtok 30. októbra 2014


Hi. I am officialy back. I've been sick for more than 2 weeks, and I still am, but I go to school everyday so..I participate in life again.
On monday, my boyfriend and I, went to take some photos, just for fun and they turned out pretty interesting so I thought why not to add them here. He can't take photos..you will see. But he tried, I love him.
Next post I will add similar photos that I took. Hope you enjoy.

Jacket(Harrington)- Resistance (you can't get it anymore bc it's forbidden, and yea I am rebel)
Dress- H&M
Sweater- thrift store originally from Marks&Spencer
Shoes-H&M (sorry Alex)
Necklase- Ebay
 Lipstick- NYC
Nail polish- Catrice in The Dark Knight
So grungy.
More photos soon. Bye!

pondelok 13. októbra 2014


Pics from tumblr.

What do you like most about fall?

nedeľa 12. októbra 2014


Hi. First of all: I apologize for not posting anything. I wanted to post OOTD, but I am sick. Like really sick. So I stay at home everyday so no special outfits or anything..And I am tired it´s insane.
But that´s besides the point, let´s talk about beauty.
I am going to talk about CLEN&CLEAR DEEP CLEANSING LOTION. My experience with clean & clear is really bad, so far. I regret buying this.
One good thing: It was on a sale (that was a reason why I bought it). Also it says that is oil free and it has oil-fighting formula. It helps a bit, but not that much. Sometimes I woke up with normal face, it wasn´t oily but sometimes I woke up and my face was oily like..you could fry on it. Ugh.
Bad things: It says that it helps prevent spots. Common now, it doesn´t do anything. Like you are putting it on your face and nothing happens. I am using it more than a month, and nothing has changed. Nothing.
This is my first review in my life. IT IS PROBABLY THE WORST REVIEW YOU HAVE EVER READ.:D It will get better I promise.
Your experience with Clean&Clear? Leave me a comment.

streda 8. októbra 2014


Hi. First question: What is your fave time of the year? For me it is fall.(obviously) I love the air, the colours, the trees and the leaves, the atmosphere and fashion. I think fall is a bit scary for me, bc of halloween, but that is so magic. I mean, it really is. All the ghost and haunted houses. Aww I love it. Also I feel really good bc I think of my grandparents a lot. I like to light canles for them. It doesn´t make me sad anymore. Also I am graceful.
Fall is such an amazing season of the year and people should give it more attention. Everyone loves wearing hoodies and darker colours and blankets and being cosy as well. I think it is better than summer. I love to make myself a tea, light my candle and read The perks of being a wallflower.
Think about it.
What do you think about fall? Do you like it? What do you like about it most?

Pictures from tumblr.

pondelok 6. októbra 2014


Hi. On weekend I went to a cottage, but we stopped at Poprad, which is a city in Slovakia. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Slovakia. The atmosphere is so tranquil and calm. I just love it. It is even more beautiful more in fall, because of the leaves falling off and the weather. I took some pictures. Hope you like it.(I took them with my phone so..quality)

 My pretty cousin. We went to pizzeria.

Centre of the city,
We also went to H&M.
Have you ever visited Poprad? Do you like this city? Would you like to visit it?
What is your fave city? Leave a comment below!

streda 1. októbra 2014


I thought I would change my blog a little bit. I want to write posts about beauty and fashion. Also, I will write in English, because I have to learn it somehow. So if I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me.
 Starting out with mascara. So this is Rimmel Scandal eyes as you can tell and I love this. It´s not that great as a Maybelline Rocket Volume Express mascara, but still a good one. This makes your eye lashes kind of "spidery" and long. It stays on pretty long and it looks really good, if you are a fan of thick and a bit bold eye lashes. It is also great for everyday (and school as well).
 Second, is this beautiful babe. I am a fan of bold and dark lipsticks, but this one..I don´t know. It´s not dark but it´s not light. I would describe it as a dark nude, rosy pinky dusty colour. THAT MAKES NO SENCE AT ALL:D I wear this everyday to school under a Rimmel lipgloss. It will dry out your lips if you don´t put a lipbalm underneath it, but in the end it´s a good quality one and also unexpensive.
And lastly I have a lipgloss, which is really rare for me, because I never wear it. But this one is good looking with the Rimmel London lipstick that I´ve just talked about. It´s in a shade: SNOG.
Have you ever tried these products? If you have leave me a comment please.