pondelok 6. júla 2015


Hello everybody! How are you? Are you enjoying summer? I hope you are. :)

Today, I thought I would share my summer plans with you. I don't have any special plans, just average ones. To tell you the truth, my summer didn't start very well, because I broke up with my boyfriend. We were together for more than 3 years. He was like my best friend and in fact, he was the only friend I had. I am still sad, but I have to move on. Also, there won't be outfits posts, because I don't have anyone to take pictures of me. I am sorry.

Back to the plans. I have already been on our cottage in Slovak Paradise and I've taken some pictures. I can't wait to go there again!

I am also going to Hungary. You know, the pools and stuff. My little cousins want me to go with them so why not? I love them.

And the most exciting thing is that I am going to Germany!!! Yayyyy!!!! I am going to visit my bestie Alex,  which some of you probably know, because she used to have a blog. I'm so so excited.

So these are all of my plans for the summer. What are yours? Are you going on vacation? Let me know!


I went running with my lovely cousin Viktoria. :)


1 komentár:

  1. To je mi líto, že jste se po tak dlouhé době rozešli s přítelem. Rozchody vždycky bolí. Doufám, že už je ti o něco lépe. Fotky jsou krásné. Bylo tam určitě nádherně. :) Já mám léto spíš pracovní, ale příští týden odjedeme s kamarádkou do Řecka, tak se těším. :)

