Autumn is my favourite season, no doubts, but I haven't been enjoying it at all. I've been feeling lonely and I've been in so much pain for 2 months. Things have been difficult and it makes me more than sad because I can't enjoy this fall atmosphere. My spirit desires fall walks, dark lip colours, bags full of chestnuts and vibrant orange and yellow colours on trees. I haven't felt happy for a long time and not having the opportunity to enjoy this season more saddens me. It's going to be over soon.
Here are some pictures I took at the same time as the ones in my last post. Enjoy.
What do you like the best about fall? Have you been enjoying it? Let me know!
Jajkáá, příroda je úžasná, krásné lístky jsi našla, máš je doma usušené? :))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťZvu Tě na svůj nově rozbíhající se youtube kanál, protože jsem zjistila, že mě to naplňuje mnohem víc než blog! :)
Gabriela Indrová
Áno, usušené a prilepené v denníčku!:)